A working vacation

I've been moonlighting as a hospital physician at two Maine hospitals while we get Megunticook Family Medicine established.  One of them is having a bit of a manpower shortage right now and I'll be busier than usual there for the next week.  This will not be a recurring issue as I've already made some significant adjustments to my schedules after this month.

I'm going to take the next week as a working vacation.  What that means is I will be available by phone but we'll schedule any routine follow up, new patient and physical exam appointments after next Wednesday 5/12.  We'll handle urgent issues on a case by case basis as always.  Jen Overlock will be here and available to help as usual.

I'm grateful to be able to work as a hospital physician while getting the practice off the ground and to help the hospitalists by filling in when needed.  However, my priority continues to be Megunticook Family Medicine and my patients.

Posted on May 7, 2015 .